Copyright Dcollinsworth All Rights Reserved
Patterns Written In US Terms
RND 8: (Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next 2 sts) around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (27 sts)
Cut a piece of cardboard the size of top (rnd 1-5) insert into base.
RND 9: (Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc next st) around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (18 sts)
RND 10-13: Rep rnd 7.
RND 14: (2 hdc next st, hdc next st) around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (27 sts)
RND 15: (2 hdc next st, hdc next 2 sts) around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (36 sts)
RND 16: Rep rnd 7, fasten off.
Stuff base.  Rep rnd 1-5 for its top.  Cut another circle from cardboard and insert on top of the base as you sew its top on.
Basic UFO Side Pod:
With thread and 7 hook ch-3, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, work 10 hdc in ring, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.  (10 sts)
RND 2-14: Hdc ea st around, sl st top beg hdc, ch-1, turn.
Stuff pod.
RND 15: (Hdc dec next 2 sts) around, sl st top beg hdc, fasten off.  (5 sts)
Basic UFO Wing:
ROW 1: With thread and 7 hook ch-16, hdc 3rd ch from hook, hdc ea ch across, ch-1, turn.  (14 sts)
Work in bk lp from this point on.
ROW 2: Hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn.
ROW 3: Hdc dec next 2 sts, hdc ea st across, ch-1, turn. (13 sts)
ROW 4: Hdc ea st across to last 2 sts, hdc dec last 2 sts, ch-1, turn.  (12 sts)
ROW 5-11: Rep row 3-4.  (11 sts)(10 sts)(9 sts)(8 sts)(7 sts)(6 sts)(5 sts)(4 sts)(3 sts)
ROW 12: Hdc next st, hdc dec next 2 sts, ch-1, turn.  (2 sts)
ROW 13: Rep row 2, fasten off.
Work in any color(s) and combination of parts.  Round spring I used 3 wings and one top.   Square spring I used 2 wings, top, bottom and 2 side pods.  Star spring I used just a top.   Heart spring I used a bottom, 2 side pods and 1 wing.