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Large Missy Kissy Free Crochet Pattern
2 Skeins Lion Brand Fun Fur Eyelash yarn in Citrus, size F crochet hook or hook, small amounts of various colors of felt, two 25mm wiggle eyes, craft glue and one 3-1\2” diameter plastic Slinky.
ROW 1: With Citrus and F hook ch-6, dc 3rd ch from hook, ch-2, sk 2 ch, dc last ch, turn.
ROW 2: Ch-3, dc 1st st, ch-2, dc last st, turn.
Rep row 2, joining second skein, until all yarn is gone, fasten off.
Beg at one end and insert Slinky’s end over and under ch-2 sps across entire length.  Smooth out yarn across coils.  It will not cover entire Slinky, cut off uncovered rings and use for belt.
Cut the patterns out of various colors of felt.  Layer eye felt pieces and glue in place.  Cut back layer to form eyelashes.  Glue eyes to finished piece.  Glue to center top two coils.  Glue mouth below eyes.
Glue pieces to make toe ring to one foot.  Glue feet to ea end of Slinky sandwiching coils in between.  Missy Sissy Kissy will still walk down stairs.